Nina's Ex, Collins Compensated with 5 million naira.

3:41 AM

I would say Collins is getting the much fame from his Ex, Nina. Their break up with took many peole by surprise. Subsequently illuminating Collins -- and he has been getting a whole lot of sympathy from Big Brother Nigeria fans. Some even advised him to go for the next BBN, maybe he might
 just win from garnered sympathetic votes; but the bottom line is, he is not getting Nina back any time soon.

Due to the recent event of Nina Breaking up with him, a rich Cee-C fan actually compensated Collins with the whooping sum of 5 million naira.

That should be the greatest thing that has happened to him in a while; sources actually say he gets more compensation these days from Nina haters.

That's a good deal, if you asked me. 

let me know your thoughts below..


  1. Blessing u na idiot nd u get boifrnd pha free miracle nd find ur guy

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